Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I've sold four hats. Four!

So far I have made hats for my nieces and nephew. One of the nurses who came to checked on my niece's progress (weights, measrements and general health) when she was very small, saw a few of the hats I'd made for the baby. She liked them a lot and said to my sister that I ought to sell the hats.

So the thought has been in the back of my head for a while. My niece is now 2 and a half years old.

As you may have gathered, I like to crochet. It's great when you're watching a film on TV or listening to music. The former way being the most frequent for me. As long as the pattern is not too complex, or the film running in some reverse or tangled up time line. Something like "The Sting" for example would be too confusing to follow lol.

Sometimes I sit in the sunshine in the garden and do my handy work, if it's not too windy. Today is awfully windy :(

I brought some of my hats to work, to show people what I was going on about all the time lol. A lot of people told me they really liked them. That made me happy :)
And better yet, two girls ordered hats form me! Which made me even more happy.
-The hats are long finished and supplied. And I've had good feedback on them.

Since then, in fact in the last week, I've opened up an Etsy store. I've put a box on the side panel where you can see the hats. I've sold 2 hats through my etsy store HüG (HUGhats) already and I have a spotlight booked for 5th September. Fingers crossed it will go well!

Please have a look in my store, and remember; custom orders are more than welcome!
Hope you like them!

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